Welcome Home Tim & Paddy

4 years ago

Tim & Paddy came back into camp, laid down their guns, took off their outer layers, decided to grab a sandwich and take a break from the early morning hunt. While standing around camp, an elk came walking through. Both excited to see game, they grabbed their guns and begin following after the elk. They stalked the elk through the trees trying to get a good look and hopefully a good shoot. Time passed and before they new it, a storm quickly moved in on them. It was then they realized they left camp without their coats and packs. Now they were caught out in a storm. Fog moved in and visibility was limited. Two days later, a search party was sent out. Family gathered up high on a ridge where the Search & Rescue base camp was made. From this vantage point, you could look out over the canyons and see the meadow where there camp was... miles up in the draw.

The expertise of the Search & Rescue team new the lay of the land and how hikers usually follow a draw down through the canyon. A few hours later, Tim & Paddy were located and with the help of Search & Rescue, began the ascent out of the canyon.

It was a relief to all to finally have them back amongst family and friends, safe, secure, and although dehydrated and hungry, in good health.

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