Battle Angel Alita Vol 1 - Vol 1

4 years ago

My approach was different for Archie and Battle Angel Alita. Archie has a focus on as a teen drama and comedy. So, I tried to review it without showing every twist. In Battle Angel Alita the focus was on action therefore I tried to intrigue through showing some action from the graphic novel without showing all of it either while focusing on the action moments most important to what I was reviewing.
When I was a kid I really liked the short movie. I liked the movies. I liked the first few graphic novels, but later in the series it becomes more grotesque seemingly to keep trying to top itself.
I hope you like this review.
I’m trying to learn to make an intro and stuff. As you can tell I don’t really know what I’m doing yet. Hopefully I can stutter a bit while trying to think in sequence of each page I highlighted and discuss it and all that, but I felt though I stuttered trying to convey this information it didn’t take away from the video, so I didn’t focus on that when editing. I kinda learn to make videos after a while…

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