"Blessed Assurance" (revised lyrics) with Meg Rayborn Dawson for MegzMuzik/MegzPraze

4 years ago

Sometimes Assurance is my alternative to Fanny Crosby's "Blessed Assurance"
I revised the lyrics to reflect a picture closer to the one I experience in my faith. It is not always "All the Day Long". Here are my revised lyrics:

Sometimes Assurance, that Jesus is mine.
O what a foretaste of Glory divine.
Child of salvation, child of God
Born of His Spirit. Washed in His blood.

Let this be my story. Let this be my song.
Stay with me Jesus. All my life long.

Imperfect submission, imperfect delight.
For memories of failure remain in my sight.
Yet angels descending, bring from above,
Echoes of mercy. Whispers of love

Imperfect submission. Imperfect rest.
Yet when in my Savior, I'm joyful and blessed
When He is abiding, when looking above.
I'm filled with the peace,
which He bought with His blood.

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