Intro to the Latin Mass for Kids - Helping Children Learn the Traditional Catholic Faith TradKidsTV

3 years ago

Welcome to Trad Kids TV! We hope you enjoy our very first video which is all about the Latin Mass. Going to a Traditional Latin Mass for the first time can be a little intimidating for both kids (and their parents). We hope this video will make it a little less intimidating and a little more exciting to look forward to.
Photo Credits:
Sandra Allen, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, El Paso, TX
St. Philip Neri Latin Mass Chaplaincy-Diocese of Burlington Vermont
Video Credit: The Connell Family
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Trad Kids TV is recorded and edited almost entirely by 11 year old Rachel, with a tiny bit of help from mom, and a lot of grace from God. Deo Gratias!
This video includes:
Why we love the Latin Mass
How to Dress
Books we like to use
Differences and similarities between the Ordinary and Extraordinary forms of the Mass, Novus Ordo or "New Order" and the Traditional Latin Mass
How to pronounce some of the typical responses at a Traditional Latin Mass:
Et cum spíritu túo (And with thy spirit) EHT KOOM SPEE-ree-too TOO-aw
Deo Grátias (to God thanks) DEH-aw GRAH-tsee-ahs
Glória tibi, Dómine (Glory to You, Lord) GLAW-ree-ah TEE-bee DAW-mee-neh
Laus tibi, Christe (Praise be to You, O Christ) LAHoos TEE-bee CHREE-steh

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