Iceland National Anthem (Instrumental) Lofsöngur

4 years ago

"Lofsöngur" (lit. "Hymn"), also known as "Ó Guð vors lands" ("O, God of Our Land") has been described as a Christian hymn to God with strong religious themes. This was adopted as the national anthem in 1944, when the country voted to end its personal union with Denmark and become a republic.

(English Translation / Lyrics)
Our country's God! Our country's God!
We worship Thy name in its wonder sublime.
The suns of the heavens are set in Thy crown
By Thy legions, the ages of time!

With Thee is each day as a thousand years,
Each thousand of years, but a day,
Eternity's flow'r, with its homage of tears,
That reverently passes away.

Iceland's thousand years,
Iceland's thousand years!
Eternity's flow'r, with its homage of tears,
That reverently passes away.

þjóðsöngur íslands / Þjóðsöngur Íslendinga / Icelandic National Anthem / l'Hymne National Islandais / Гимн Исландии / Himna Islanda / Isländischen Nationalhymne / Himno Nacional de Islandia

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