"Face Bloat" Sam Seder gets scorched by the Ring of Fire

3 years ago

Remember when "Face Bloat" Sam Seder #facebloat #samseder was engaging in bad logic, sniping at Kim Davis for being a divorcee?

Stan, I mean Sam found out a few years later that karma is a beach. Donald Trump's victory in 2016, combined w/ an overriding narcissism & co-dependency -- as well as an odd Tweet where Stan elucidated a fantasy about one of his own family members & Roman Polanski -- cause Stan's marriage to collapse.

Now the toady divorcee Sam Seder should ask himself, "You know what they say about divorcees?"

The Ring of Fire was gloating about Todd Palin ditching Sarah Palin, but they did not upload a video interviewing Stan Seder, I mean Sam Seder's ex-wife about all his mental health issues.

Odd, isn't it?

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