Social entrepreneurship-Technocracy or your Individual Dream? - Paul Rodney Turner-Founder FeedOM

3 years ago

International special interests-guided by Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum-want capitalists to exploit the post-Covid stress to lead the "New Normal" in a way that diverts more resources to underserved populations and the environment-controlled by WEF-friendly industrialists, of course. But social entrepreneurship is not a new thing requiring guidance by oligopolists pushing just as hard for a Technocratic takeover as for social justice.

For over a decade conscious capitalists with a free-market orientation (like Whole Foods' John Mackey) have tried to move Board Rooms to care not just for shareholders but also for customers, employees, and local market quality. Those caring about sustainable capitalism should not have to cater to Mr. Schwab's oligopolists whose trust has collapsed due to their complicity in exploiting the Covid hysteria.

Paul presents how giving back to communities and individuals can positively impact your company’s growth. Combining Corporate Social Responsibility with a measurable cause marketing strategy delivers a clear and detailed footprint on what method or steps to take in achieving sustained customer loyalty.

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