O5O 3.18: A little bit of everything

4 years ago

Barry Edwards and Merle Garrison discuss...

A day early on the show - Barry going on vaca! Dealing with what comes with that during this time.
Cars: Leasing vs buying. Self-driving cars with that new car smell.

Current Events / Politics

Facebook "bullying" of Australia just handed its critics in Washington a lot more ammunition
Facebook pledges to invest $1 billion in news (in next 3 years) after Australia standoff ends
CNBC - http://cnb.cx/3aRrfIK

HEATED debate on election voter fraud from both sides.

On the Lighter Side...

Atlanta Creates The Nation's Largest Free Food Forest - Feb 24, 2021 - http://bit.ly/2NsbFur
Dog Takes Herself Sledding Down A Huge Hill - http://bit.ly/2OXVG7x

BONUS: After show wrap up

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