Hashtag Guy VLOG 004 Help

4 years ago

Welcome back to #PhoenixEvolutionConsulting, here's the next instalment of #TheJonShowLIVEVLOG: Help presented by our very own Jon Richelieu-Booth aka #JonTheHashtagGuy of #TheJonShow / #TheJonShowLIVE & as always the VLOG is inspired by #TimAllen's performance as #MikeBaxter.

The theme of this #VLOG, to say nothing of the theme of the Jon Show / the Jon Show - LIVE, is 'help'.

I would encourage anyone in need to ask for assistance, & if it is within our power or skillset to help we will do.. otherwise we will look outside of the immediate circle to see who we know that could assist.

In the meantime we'd appreciate if you could give our new VLOG a watch. Don't forget to let us know your thoughts / comments.

Admin #PhoenixEvolutionConsulting

#Architect #BusinessAnalyst #Change #ContractSearch #ContractorsHelpingContractors #Cyber #HowManyHashtags #JonTheHashtagGuy #PhoenixEvolutionConsulting #ProgrammeManager #ProjectManager #SeniorProjectManager #ServiceManager #TeamJon #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork #Test #TheJonShow #ThePowerOfLInkedIN #WeWantSolidGoldUnicorns

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