Michael Flynn - Interview - Truth about US Politics.

4 years ago

Michael Flynn interview - Truth about US Politics.
General Flynn Exposes Truth about American Politics.
33 years US Army, Nations expert on foreign Policy, Nations Security and Intelligence.
Very Patriotic - Faith, Family and Country.
Pure Evil Exists - Cobol.
Patriots willing to step up and pledge allegience to the Country.
Deception and Deceit Exists.
The Golden Rule : Treat others how you want to be treated.
Beaurocracy is broken - We must fight the war we are in.
Global Fight against Evil and Corruption.
Massive Election Fraud - Interference from online.
Citizens Commission on Election Integrity needed. Last Election filled with fraud.
Justices have duty to protect the Constitution.
Military is loyal, patriotic, professional and a lethal force. Always follow ethical and moral orders.
75 million people voted for Trump.
Get involved and become Patriotic Citizens.

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