The Heart of ALL the WORLD MoShiach

4 years ago

The Heart of ALL the WORLD

On the seventh Day GOD rested and saw that ALL was Good.
The Foundation Stone is the very HEART of HaShem on Eden or Earth.
Three Continents join here as if petals of a flower or Rose.
On Shabbat we hold the Kiddush vessel as a symbol of this Rose or Heart of the World.
During Temple times as an offering of thanks or seeking atonement.
We as a People,Nation and the Ancient World recognized this Holy place as their connection to there Creator.
And built Two Holy Temples to the God of the Nation of Israel as his Nation of Priests.
However, other Kingdoms would want to supplant this location with there own Copies.
And with any copy would seek to edit and change it for how they interpreted it.
Over many hundreds and thousands of years the memory of what once was became stuff of legend.
But HaShem Priestly Nation never forgot their mission to proclaim the God of Israel.
Over many decades Israel reestablished its SOVEREIGNTY in the WORLD AGAIN.
This would cause consternation within the KINGDOMS that had carved up her HEART among the three continents of the Ancient World.
But the words of the Holy Torah would echo of an ancient long fortold Prophecy that all these event would come to pass.
Looking backwards through TIME this ultimate SACRIFICE to HaShem was required to spread the seeds of the Torah.
And like any seeds they need to be forgotten and buried.
Meanwhile, they break down and seek sustenance and Energy from the WORLD.
Due to Adam the first human KING of the World.
HaShem chosen MoShiach created by his own hands, souls of the WORLD would come forth like drops of rain.
Covering the face of the WORLD like the OCEANS of the SEA.
Even ascending too the Greatest Mountain of them all the MOON.
HaShem Spiritual Heart all this time has never stopped beating, but ever so quietly atop the HUMBLE mountain Mount Moriah.
No in these DAYS OF DARKNESS it grows ever louder and now demands to be once again the HEART of HaShem to the WORLD.
Can you hear her calling you, to once again feel the pain of others around the WORLD as they scream for SALVATION.

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