Part 1: Kings and Priests of The Most High God

3 years ago

Feb 24,2021

In this short teaching I talk about the new believer. I highlight how most often than not, new believers who surrender their life to Jesus and confess Him as Lord and savior fall under this misconception that once being saved it's the "end" result of their spiritual journey. When in fact it's only the beginning of a wonderful and exciting journey when you decide to wholeheartedly follow Jesus.

Although, it is absolutely true, that they have crossed over from death into life. As stated in [John 5:24 ESV] - Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.

Rarely, does anyone take the time to explain to these new believers, that the new birth (being born-again) is simply the “START” of their spiritual journey and not the end.

If you are a believer, yet you have not sincerely surrendered your life completely to our Lord Jesus Christ, do it now. Do not wait another day, because tomorrow may not come. Remember, that our Lord wants everyone to come to the knowledge of the truth [1 TIM 2:4]. I encourage you to sincerely “repent”, which simply means to turn your life around and stop sinning against HIM.

After repentance, believe you have been saved and ask the Lord to baptize you with the Holy Spirit of promise. And He will be faithful to grant your request, if indeed you truly believe in your heart and turn from your sins. Amen.

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Scripture references:
John 5:24
Acts 2:36-41
1 Timothy 2:4
James 2:19

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