Serious Warning for What is Coming Ahead. You are ALL at RISK. By Controversy 7.

4 years ago

Thanks to Contoversy 7 YT and BitChute sites for this important video. The complete name of this video is "THIS IS IT GUYS...I'M GIVING Y'ALL A VERY SERIOUS WARNING FOR WHAT'S COMING AHEAD! YOUR ALL AT RISK" which was too long to put within my title here.

We are not going to see these things go away because the powers that be want these conditions to be upon us in an oppression against all those who dwell before the LORD and believe in His Holy Name. There is a w a r raging against everyone who upholds, receives, and believes in the truth of the Word of God and keeps His Ten Commandments.

Lift your voice up as a trumpet as these kids are doing warning people to not give into the devices that are being put against us a human beings. Do not defile your temple, which is your body, that should be holy and set apart for the LORD Himself because you were bought with the price of His own blood. Be covered by the Blood of the Lamb to be sanctified, made clean, and clothed to enter into His kingdom. God wants us to be free to worship HIM and HIM alone.

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

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