The Denice Gary Show 2 24

3 years ago

FORMER PRESIDENT TRUMP HANDED DESTROYER-IN-CHIEF BIDEN A GIFT ON IRAN: Leverage from a position of strength and massive pressure through tough economic sanctions.
Using sanctions on Iran's central bank, its energy sector, other institutions and government officials were all part of the Trump administration's work to prevent Iran from having the resources to complete a nuclear bomb, to advance their missile program, including intercontinental ballistic weapons or ICBMs, and from growing the ranks of paid Islamic terrorists who operate through Iranian backed terror groups and militias. Islamic groups on Tehran's payroll such as Hizballah, Al Quds, (Jerusalem Force), one of five (5) branches of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps or IRGC, the Islamic Resistance Movement, HAMAS, and others in addition to Islamic militia groups have continued to attack American civilians and military forces when and where they can.
Following Biden's election, you could hear an Iraqi Militia Leader on Iranian on official Iranian Press TV make clear that from Iran's perspective the "Iranian Axis is on the rise while the broken doomed American axis is declining." [See: ]
Meanwhile, Joe Biden has chosen to put people on his team that have worked quietly with Iranian officials to blow-up the Trump team's efforts to achieve greater stability in the region by depriving Iran of the money and influence it had under the Obama-Biden team to destabilize the Middle East, attack Israel, and kill American soldiers on the ground around the world.
But we just saw Awliya Al Dam, or Guardians of Blood, claim responsibility for killing an American contractor, injuring an American soldier and several American contractors. U.S. and Iraqi officials say smaller organizations like this have been linked to better known Iranian proxies such as Kataib Hizballah - who focus on killing Americans overseas.
The Islamic Republic of Iran wants to weaken countries throughout the region to create a situation in which its militia groups can act with impunity.
Due to President Trump's sanctions, over the last two years Iran's advancement through proxies was ended - Tehran just could not afford it....
And on Tuesday, Tehran officially suspended its implementation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty Additional Protocol, which gave nuclear inspectors increased access to Iran’s nuclear program. This includes the ability to carry out snap inspections at undeclared sites.
President Biden and his Secretary of State have said that they will revive the JCPOA, 2015 nuclear deal if Iran comes back into strict compliance with the accords.
Let's see how long it takes Biden to walk this back.

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