God's Calling You

3 years ago

Call to men

The word says to pray without ceasing
Not cease all the praying
Something to consider which actions we’re displaying
Our children see our actions
Let me say that again
Our children see our actions
Can we call ourselves men?
How can we lead when we won’t even act?
It’s time to get serious and pray the church back
Back to where? you ask….
I’m glad that you did
Back to the faith that we see in a kid
Let’s pray like it’s answered. Like God hears our prayers.
Like it’s a father we speak to, not “the big guy upstairs”
We’ve allowed our culture to grow weak in the faith.
We’ve sat back while the enemy kicked down our front gate.
And who pays for our ignoring the issues that come?
The innocent, the weak, and the lost are just some.
The broken, the forgotten, the families too.
“oh well I was busy” is just not an excuse.
I say that it’s time that we pray with conviction
That we step up as soldiers and accept our new mission
That we read and we study and we share what we learn
That we sharpen our skills to recognize and discern
Time for honest reflection. Time for absolute truth.
Time to be examples for the children and youth.
Women and children carried the torch for too long.
Thank God for their willingness but let’s face it…. That’s wrong.
God called for watchmen. Can you call yourself one?
Will you protect the innocent as a father protects his son?
I’ve heard the calling, now it’s time to decide
Will we answer that calling or do we lay down and die?
I’ve got my family. God you won’t be ignored.
As for me and my house….. WE WILL SERVE THE LORD
We will be in prayer. We will be in the word
We will answer the calling that you now have heard.
I’m calling for reinforcements because I can’t do it alone
But regardless of who comes, I’ll keep my eyes on the throne.
Moment of truth men…. What will you do?
Because right here. Right now… God’s calling YOU.

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