Snow - Winter's Quietness

4 years ago

Sometimes, we just need to watch and listen to all things all around us. Without thoughts or feeling, just the quiet presence of our being, in the present moment.
Somedays, I go out with my camera and shoot what I see, trying to render what I feel in the moment. Because I believe sharing the everyday wonderful things I see can sparkle the possibility of making our life together peaceful.
Thank you for watching.
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Mainly shot around my nice little town in the middle of Switzerland.
Edited and color graded with DaVinci Resolve.
Shot with a BlackMagic Cinema Camera, DNxHD, Sigma EX lenses.

Music by:
— CAM BUTLER «So Long Friend» with kind permission
Published 2004
Usage Attribution-NoDerivs

— OFF THE SKY «Through Her Isolate Divide»
From the compilation «Many Things Worth Living For» by VA
Published April 19, 2004
Usage Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial

Listen to the really good music of Jason Corder's:

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