Sacred Marriages Will Be Tested

3 years ago


Hello brothers and sisters and Youtube family. Hope you guys are being blessed

The Lord began during prayer as I heard “Sacred Marriages will be tested”

The definition of “sacred” is connected with God or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving of veneration

As I began with the Lord and said,
Good morning, my beloved Jesus I wanted to know what was on your heart as I was getting some thoughts concerning the dream I had last night?

Jesus responded,
Yes my beloved little one, share the dream you had. It’s a great depictions of how so many in this generation have given up in their marriages when it was tested.

Well family, the night before I had a situation occur and the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for a bit in adoration before the Lord. I had asked him to confirm with a dream concerning some thoughts that were on my heart and he did! He gave me a second dream however was about marriage as I was with a group of young men and women in their late twenties to mid thirties. There were 2 guys and 2 girls who I knew had all been married but now were divorced. The first girl was telling me how she had caught her husband cheating online so she left the marriage. The other two young man didn’t explain in the dream why they left their marriages but they were in agreement with the first girl and said that it was just too hard so they gave up and got a divorce from their wives. As I looked at them with grieved hearts I began to say Marriage is the story of the Cross, as I was standing in the middle of the group there happened to be a small cross on the wall glowing brightly. I than began to speak with more fervency that true love hurts and the cross was scandalous to so many, but for love of us Jesus when to the cross and he calls us to do the same in marriage. I noticed at that time others were listening to me speak as the fourth girl got irritated saying “okay your getting your time to talk as she seemed a bit angry by not only what I was saying but the attention I was getting. She then walked away and pulled someone aside to tell them all that she had gone through in her marriage. To get some comfort and assurance that what she went through in her marriage wasn’t the Lord will and there was no way the Lord would have wanted her to endure through it and I woke up.

So Lord some I know right now are going through some of the hardest test in their marriages. I know a couple of Godly prayerful young women who love Jesus and have had to endure through infidelity, betrayal, and lies in their marriages. Some got married and when faced with these trials you told them to stay and trust you. Others are more perplexed because they prayed, waiting on you to choose their spouses you gave them to finally get married and have such rough trials. They look to their counterparts and wonder if they have made a mistake and want to give up. Which is rightly so Lord, you did say in scripture that when the marriage bed is defiled that gives grounds for divorce ( I am paraphrasing Matthew 5:32)


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