Greys, Nordics, Venusians, Mantids, Reptilians - are they good or bad?

3 years ago

Jo is a life time experiencer and she has interacted with many different species throughout her life. Many people like to put Aliens in the Good or Bad camp when in fact both exist throughout the Galaxy of many races.
The greys are often targeted as bad but their intention is based on who is giving them the directives.
In Jo's experience she has met both good and bad in the races she has experienced.

Humans are notorious for taking their own limited experience with anything and then projecting that experience as "the only truth".

There is no "truth" per se - only our interpretation of an experience.

Keep an open mind as much of what we experience is subjective to our own internal dialogue, environment, past, culture, society and beliefs.

Much Love
Stay Strong
Bigger things coming.


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