Tribulation started Sept 22nd 2017 from Daniel's Timeline By Leeland Jones

4 years ago

Thanks to Leeland Jones for this video to bring understanding of the timeline we have been in since the completion of the sign of a woman clothed with the sun on 9/22/2017. When we reach Passover 2021, it will be 3.5 years since 9/22/2017. When we get to Pentecost, it will be 75 days more as 1260 days + 75 days = 1335 days since Rev 12 sign on 9/22/2017. The LORD is precisely and exactly MEASURING THE TIME WE ARE LIVING within the earth during THIS PARTICULAR SEASON OF TIME. Ask yourself why if you have not done so already. It is because we are at the time of "The End" as prophesied in the Bible. It is a timing of the 70 weeks of Daniel UNTO the return of Messiah the Prince who is Yeshua Jesus. If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and your Savior, repent of your wicked ways soon and acknowledge HIM as LORD and KING. When the LORD returns, HE will be sitting on HIS throne, declaring HIS glory and HIS majesty before ALL the nations ruling them with a rod of iron. Come to Him while the mercy seat is still open for people to CHOOSE His will, His way, and His truth, BEFORE the Gospel switches to a do or die ultimatum which happens within Rev 13 and Rev 14. HE is the GREAT KING who loves those who love and obey HIM. Why be found outside of His promises when HE will rule and reign SOON from Mount Zion restoring righteousness and holiness within the new heavens and new earth for His kingdom reign of 1000 years.

Yes you're in the Great Tribulation, No it's not a "Rapture" date.
See Part 2 here

Download PDF of the interpretation and timeline drawn to scale

2,520 days is 7 years of the Daniel's 70th Week
2,520 − 2,300 = 220 Daily Sacrifice
220 + 1,290 = 1,510 Abomination of desolation
1,510 − 2,300 = −790 Trigger date (host trodden)

Here is more information on the Daniel 8 Prophesy

Also the sign of the Woman Clothed with the Sun

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

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