Alan Fountain - Interview Disclosing Trauma Ritual By The Deep State for Exposing GA Pedo-Ring

4 years ago

Nicholas Veniamin Interviews Alan Fountain who is a survivor of a GA pedo-ring from age 9 to 16 who later became a political Activist & Advocate that found himself being targeted and stalked by a professional handler operation to discourage his mission to bring justice for survivors of this horrific Pandemic. This video also discusses how he was inspired and recruited to decode cryptic military stringers by an agent from the Dept of State who allegedly was in Information resources intelligence for the Army of Northern Virginia who allegedly according to retired Major General Paul Vallely was Q Intelligence officers made up of 800 special operations officers working for the Trump White Hat Alliance to advance Information Warfare.

This Interview Covers Many Topics Related to The Great Awakening and My Journey Documenting in my Blog the Many elements that validated the Fall Of The Cabal and the Military Tribunals that took place behind the scene. In his Blog Alan documents the Movie Simulation taking place masked behind a Covid19 psyop that was commandeered away from the Black Hats and reversed gamed to Take Advantage of this downtime/lockdown to actually rescue trafficked children around the Globe. Below are some selected articles that offer supporting critical thinking evidence to the extended first interview with Nicholas.

My BLOG with All Great Awakening Articles:
Extended Bio and History as Activist in GA:

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