Why Our Lawful Rebellion?

4 years ago

Hello Patriot,

The most important action you can take immediately is to FULLY Connect with Our Lawful Rebellion, Aussie Patriots Roll and Communities and Communication hubs

Enroll and Declare Your Will to get Our Australia back from the Corporations that pose as Our Governments.

Our encrypted Online enrollment form https://www.cognitoforms.com/AussiePatriotsRoll/AUSSIEPATRIOTSUNITYForFREEDOM

White list Our email addresses to keep them out of Spam and Junk.

Connect and join Our Lawful Rebellion interactive website and participate in the Open Forum https://aussiepatriotsroll.wixsite.com/lawfull-rebellion

Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/AussiePatriotsRollGraemeJeffs/

Like and Follow Our Social Media sites, all relevant links are below.

Read everything We have available on Our Website, and that which We Will send you.

Watch all of Our Constitutional messages and YouTube Videos.

Connect with other like-minded Aussies to share Our Lawful Rebellion and Aussie Patriots roll.

Do meaningful Research - Ask lots of questions, Share your Knowledge, Share Our messages, posts and videos.

Let's get Together and get Our Australia back for ALL Australians!

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