7/28/2019 - AIFGC #1163-284 –Doug –The Law of Moses cont. - John – Mark 7 – Holiness and Defilement.

4 years ago

Week of July 28, 2019 Episodes 1163-284 Anchored in Faith Episode Premiere

(First half) Elder Doug Buchanan – The Law of Moses continued (#1161 – June 23rd, 2019)

(Second half) Anchored in Faith’s Late Founding Pastor John Honn preaching from Mark 6:45 a sermon about miracles, hard hearts and traditions (#284 – July 1st, 2001)

For those who do not have our episodes readily available on cable TV, we are making the current premiere episodes prominent on www.anchoredinfaith.org, www.youtube.com/anchoredinfaith, http://www.facebook.com/aifgc and www.rumble.com/anchoredinfaith

Episodes will be posted every Sunday evening. Archives of individual past episodes will continue to be available on YouTube. Email any questions to: TV@anchoredinfaith.org

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