Pinal Sheriff Mark Lamb Briefly.

4 years ago

Sheriff Mark Lamb we caught up with him On Feb 20th 2021 at Arizona State Capitol briefly and we were happy for the quick interview, plz watch his speech on the previous clips, but here we enjoy like as always to talk to our officials to see the human side that people ordinally do not they get to view. We met with him at Celebrate N Protect the 2nd Amendment/Right to Keep Arms 2021 and this is our 2nd Camera action action.

We gave a chance for the Pinal Sheriff Mark Lamb to thank all those who supported him and his book and his wife's book The Sheriff's Wife, both were great read..... Thank you sir, Cheers, George Nemeh..

We interviewed the Sheriff before it always great to see him again and again, very humble, gentleman's, friendly, services the county of Pinal graciously great man with his wife Janel, always supporting him incredible lady As a media personal I love them both for all what they do to our AZ State.

Feb 20th 2021 celebrate n protect the 2nd amendment right to keep n bear arms.
#raw​ #sheriff #sherifflamb #sheriffmarklamb #maapmedia​ #likeitis​ #drawyourownconclusions​ #secondamendment​ #celebrate​
Raw Video by George Nemeh.
Producer Director Host George Nemeh.
MAAP Real Talk Show + MAAP
Copyrights 2021

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