BONANZA! Peter Hitchens and Christopher Hitchens on C-SPAN 1994-98

4 years ago

00:00 Introduction
00:14 Let's hope we don't disappoint
00:30 Well, I'm never wrong
00:50 Bogged down into lawyers
01:48 A new respect for the American Right
02:30 I've never believed Hillary Clinton
02:45 Conspiracy
03:40 Left and Right
03:50 Bimbolinas/Left-wing Intolerance
05:00 That's all nonsense/Clinton right-wing?
06:15 The problem with people like Christopher/Trotskyist view
07:04 Bosnia 09:30 Generally unsolid citizens
10:17 Idealists more deadly 10:30 Who's older?
10:40 Combative
11:15 How does Great Britain look from this country?
12:05 Back to Basics
12:45 Yeo-ho-ho
13:30 Peculiar Proclivities
14:15 In flagrante delicto
14:25 D-Day/In the mood
14:55 Shared adversity
15:35 Liquidation
17:25 Family connections on C-Span/Robert and William Bennett
18:30 Harassing the President
18:50 Traveling in the USA
19:20 Two Rhodes Scholars
19:40 Clinton – avoidance of the draft
21:55 I don't want to agree with Peter any more than I have to...
23:25 Paula Jones
23:55 PH covets a newspaper clipping/British v US press
26:00 Endemically corrupt
27:40 Strictest ethics rules – Congress
29:00 The scandal is what's legal
29:50 CH's lapel
30:35 Roosevelt/Optimism
31:20 Abraham Lincoln
32:40 Why America needs a monarchy
34:00 I don't see how anyone can recommend a monarchy
34:20 Clinton/GOP 35:10 We burned down the White House
36:42 I had to challenge this man's glib lies/Gerry Adams/Terrorism
38:40 Tory Rags
39:12 Groundhog Day
40:15 Al Gore
41:00 Chechnya
41:20 Clinton's humility
42:25 Our Mother didn't raise no fools, Mr. Lamb/ Fix in for Phony
43:25 Brit Twit
46:34 Colin Powell
48:35 Maximising stupidity
49:00 The Scientist in a rather sinister fashion
49:55 Red meat rhetoric
51:20 Raging dingbats
51:40 British interest in Clinton
52:20 Gingrich
52:40 Silence of Feminists about Clinton allegations
53:00 Abortion
54:10 Ken Starr
56:05 CH teaching at Berkeley
56:15 British view of the scandals/President-elected king
57:30 British sex scandals/Sex obsession
1:01:07 D-Day/Summer of Discontent/Ike
1:04:00 Finis

Peter Hitchens and Christopher Hitchens, hosted by Brian Lamb on C-Span in 1994 (x2), 1995 and 1998.


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