5 Reasons Skydiving Isn't As Scary As You Think

3 years ago


I like to think of myself as a pretty fearless person, and for the most part I am.

That is, until I think of doing anything that involves heights, possible pain, and spiders.

Luckily I was pretty sure spiders would not be involved in skydiving – last I heard, they don’t make microscopic, insect sized parachutes (I could be mistaken though)!

After taking the plunge from 13,000 ft in the air, I can now confidently say that skydiving isn’t as scary as you think!

Here’s why:

#1 – You have no chance to hesitate
#2 – Your depth perception will be off
#3- The person on your back doesn’t want to die either
#4- The parachute deploys no matter what
#5- There is a 0.00175% chance you won’t survive the jump

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