The Snakeman Wizard - A short story of the American aquanauts - Behringer K2, Pro 1 & TD3 used

3 years ago

This is a story short for the tune ' The Snakeman Wizard" by Pulse Wave Prophet. The story It is about the aquanauts first voyage across the waters from above. No-one knows who the aquanauts were but now we have proof that they existed. There are no astronauts, there are aquanauts. Anyway, The images were processed from the mind of the Snakeman wizard during his capture some 70 odd years ago. He is a strange mechanical being part man and part machine with loads of lady friends and the ability to control all forms of tentacle like beings.
Instruments used in this musical piece are as follows:
The Behringer K2, Behringer TD3 and Behringer Pro 1 used with a bunch of pedals in its production.

For more info on Pulse Wave Prophet go to:

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