Leg workout (4)

4 years ago

LEG DAY, always & forever,  I love you legggiies on a Monday 🤩🔥 anyways, if your gym is super crowded & you don’t feel like waiting for barbells or machines, grab yourself a smiths machine & get this entire workout done there! 👏🏻 SOUND ON FOR TIPS ON FORM! (Also, these shoes are not ideal for leg day but I forgot my converse at home 🤦🏼‍♀️)

🍉 warm ups: 3 sets of banded Glute bridges on floor SS with banded lateral walks 3 x 20 & 3 x 15 each side
🍉 leg extensions (not shown) 5 x 8-12
🍉 smiths machine back squats 4 x 6-10 slow & controlled
🍉 smiths machine back squats lighter weight higher reps 2 x 15-20
🍉 smiths machine RDLs 4 x 6-12
🍉 smiths machine banded hip thrusts - I did lighter weight, focusing on form & higher reps 4 x 15-25
🍉 smiths machine reverse lunges 3 x 6-10 each leg
🍉 burnout with walking lunges on turf (not shown) 3 x 12-15 each leg with barbell

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