Fun in the sun, a day working out at Moro Canyon, relaxing at Crystal Cove SP, early summer 2020

4 years ago

#MoroCanyon #LagunaBeach #CrystalCove #OrangeCounty

El Moro Canyon Loop Trail is a 4 mile hike that brings you through a canyon and up to Moro Ridge, offering jaw-dropping views of the Pacific Ocean throughout the duration.

The trail features a waterfall and is open year-round, but is best used in the spring. Remember to bring $15 cash for the parking fee. The Laguna Beach trail is shared by trail runners, mountain bikers, hikers, and the occasional horseback rider. Dogs are not allowed in Crystal Cove State Park.

Crystal Cove State Park is a beautiful area in Laguna Beach that includes 3 miles of coastline and dozens of miles of hiking trails. I set out to explore the most popular trail, El Moro Loop Trail, which included hiking through a nice canyon and going along a ridge that overlooked the ocean. It was a great five mile trail in Orange County, and here is all the information.

Crystal Cove State Park is north of Downtown Laguna Beach on Highway 1. You will see signs directing you to the park, and you will want to enter near El Moro School. From there, you will go through the pay station, pay your fee and then park down near where the beach parking is but up in the lot closer to the hills. There was plenty of parking when I went in the spring, but I am sure in the summer this area gets really busy.

rom the parking lot, the trailhead is in the northeast part of the lot. There is a map there that you can take a photo of, but the trail is relatively straightforward as long as you take the correct direction at the two splits.

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