Ceylon Cinnamon

4 years ago

100 % Ceylon Cinnamon Benefits:
Improves digestion and speeds up metabolism. It is rich in fiber.
It helps to secrete gastric juices, prevents swelling and a symptom of irritated bowel.
An effective tool to combat excess weight by facilitating fat metabolism.
It has a strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and mild warming effect, making it an active ingredient in the prevention of colds and flu.
Reduces blood sugar levels.
Normalizes bad cholesterol levels.
Help reduce high blood pressure and headache.
Suitable for diabetics and people prone to diabetes because it controls the production of insulin.
It has a strong antioxidant effect, helping to reduce the formation of free radicals in the body that damage cells.
Relieves joint pain as it contains manganese, which is important for bone strength.
Reduces menstrual pain and cramps. Stimulates brain activity, has an invigorating and refreshing effect.
It has an anti-clotting property for the blood. Thus it helps to improve blood circulation, prevent the formation of blood clots and keep the cardiovascular system. https://www.cvetitaherbal.co.uk/100-ceylon-cinnamon-en.html

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