Dark Outpost 02-22-2021 Disney: Muppets Bad, Porn Good!

4 years ago

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In an astonishing move, Disney is forcing viewers to agree to a legal disclaimer before allowing them to watch any episode of the iconic Muppet Show, citing the program as being ‘harmful’ and ‘offensive’ due to racial insensitivity. Yet, Disney has no issues putting pornographic images and subliminal messages in their movies and televisions shows, as well as sexualizing and abusing their own young talent. Tonight, we examine the sordid history of Walt Disney and present evidence that their stars have been sexually abused. Plus…Ronnie McMullen discusses COVID-19, vaccines, the economy and chemtrails. And…we’ll tell you where you can legally obtain hydroxychloroquine without leaving your home. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost! Watch the full show at https://watch.darkoutpost.tv!

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