Interesting new MUFON case! Objects over nuclear facility near Pasco, Washington on July 14th, 2020.

3 years ago

MUFON Case No. 113758 - Multiple disk objects moving very fact over Pasco, Washington on July 14th, 2020 @ 1:22PM.

Long description: A friend and I and his brother were loading up garage door panels on top of the truck when I noticed 3 disc like objects reflecting super brightly in the sky. I said out loud to them wtf is that. The three of us watched them go in a seemingly and also really weird straight line type of flight. At first I couldn't really accept that it was UFOs, I stood on top of the rack of the truck to continue the visual on them over the houses and after about 30 seconds I realized they had traveled way to far in short time and close together like the blue angels to be any kind of balloon or drone. I thought that was the end and we got in the truck and left his mom's driveway. When we pulled on to the main road I saw about 10 of them but at a much greater speed fly in the exact same path as the first 3. In sight and out in about 2 seconds. Still my brain wasn't accepting that those were UFOs and neither did Ryan, we both said they have to be some kind of drone. So about 5 minutes pass and we come up to another main road where Lowes is and in the distance in the direction of the Hanford nuclear site was a gigantic plume of smoke that you can see in one of the videos. And we saw about 10 of those things zoom into the direction from our right side into the direction of the smoke. I noticed a solo one coming directly at us and finally I thought to bring my phone out for video. Re-watching that video there was actually 2 in the beginning frames but the 2nd zoomed off to the right. In the video you can hear Ryan trying to comprehend what he's seeing, says "those are birds right" definitely not. The way the things were able to maneuver and change direction while at that speed tells me 100% it's not a balloon or any kind of drone. We each follow our own UFOs he saw two, while I had one on video at that stoplight until it turned green. We then get on the freeway and on my right side was 7 more of them reflecting super brightly and they zipped over us to the left. I screamed to pull over so I could get out and get more on video. He realized right then that what we were seeing were real actual disk UFOs. 3 veered off almost straight up into the air while the other 4 kept straight out of sight. I was able to get my s20 camera focused on the 3 going up, in this video you can see them going in and out of a triangle formation while gaining attitude, you can also see the gigantic plume of smoke coming from the direction of the Hanford nuclear site. I have a feeling whatever they were wanted to know why there was such a event going on at that site, and what was producing that smoke, after all it is where the bombs dropped on Japan were manufactured, and UFOs have said to be involved and disrupt nuclear bases in the past. There was nothing in the news or anything about what caused that huge smoke cloud.

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UFO, OVNI, UAP, UFOs, OVNIs, UAPs, Sightings, UFO sightings, Alien, Aliens, raw, airplane, drone, 2021

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