Don't Help the CCP "Take Down the USA"

4 years ago

Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon’s popular TV program, War Room Pandemic, has an engaging theme song. Its refrain is “Let’s take down the CCP.” The Chinese Communist Party has a variation on that tagline – “Let’s take down the USA.” Unfortunately, the CCP’s version isn’t just a catchy jingle. It’s a strategic policy, one that is now well-advanced.

The Chinese Communists say they’re in a “People’s War” with us. They’re using “unrestricted warfare” techniques that have already done incalculable damage to our country’s economy, public health, culture and national security.

There is, moreover, evidence that the CCP intervened directly in our 2020 election for the purpose of defeating a presidential candidate who recognized and was determined to counter the threat it poses. Now, we have an administration populated by “old friends” of China and pursuing policies that will help take down the USA.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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