Flashback: Biden Told David Letterman He Got Arrested at 21 for Breaching Chamber at US Capitol

3 years ago

This 2007 video clip has surfaced featuring then-U.S. senator and soon-to-be vice presidential running mate Joe Biden telling late-night talk show host David Letterman he was arrested for trespassing at the U.S. Capitol Building when he was young. Did Joe Biden spend time in jail for his crime? We now have a sitting "President" who committed the exact same crime of breaching the U.S. Capitol Building as those who did so on Jan. 6, 2021. Biden said there were no security officers around everywhere to stop him but that's beside the point. He committed an illegal act and he got caught and he was arrested. Will the mainstream media bring this matter up on their networks? Maybe Fox News will but I highly doubt the other networks will mention it because they are the ones that conspired together to get Joe Biden over the goal line by hook or crook and besides that they are basically all DNC operatives in cahoots with the Democrat Party.

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