"Thank you for helping save my dad's life" from COVID-19

4 years ago

Marlin Anderson was about to be placed on a ventilator when he began to go downhill rapidly, suffering from COVID-19. His daughter saw Dr. Pierre Kory's Senate testimony and read about the I-MASK+ Protocol, and asked the intensive care doctor if he would put her father on ivermectin. The doctor agreed, and Marlin's turnaround was rapid and quite astounding. He walked out of the hospital a few days later. This is the Anderson’s true story.

To find out more about the science behind ivermectin, please view the FLCCC Weekly Updates here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy6j...​

For even deeper detail and scientific analysis regarding the efficacy of Ivermectin, please visit our website at https://www.flccc.net​.

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