Pheasant Hunting in Colorado, February 22, 2021

4 years ago

Best pheasant hunting ever! Of course, any day that you get to go pheasant hunting is the best pheasant hunting ever! It was really a much better day pheasant hunting than I could imagine. Lily started out with a phenomenal hunt. She was pointing out pheasants all over the place. If I could've shot a little better, I would've limited out within the hour. (If that ever is the case, I usually put away the gun and just video the dogs hunting.) The hunt wained for a little bit during Charlie's hunting session. More on that hunt a little later. But then picked up when Tori got her chance. When they were all three out together we added another bird to the bag.

There isn't much video of Charlie or Tori out pointing at pheasants. Tori did very well pointing out several pheasants. However, as you could tell from the video I didn't have the camera angled too well, and I didn't get any good video of Tori out hunting pheasants. But Charlie didn't have a chance. A bald eagle came soaring through the area and was hunting pheasants for himself. CRAZY! I marched towards the bald eagle to see if I could get some good video of the eagle hunting pheasants (I actually saw him chasing a pheasant in flight). CRAZY!

The sad part is this is the second to last day of pheasant hunting for this hunting season. I didn’t get to go pheasant hunting last week because here in Colorado (and most of the country) it was too cold to go pheasant hunting. And next Sunday, I’ll be at work.

I will take the dogs pheasant hunting once in March, but pheasant hunting in March gets a little dicey. I don’t know exactly why, but for several years I’ve noticed that the pheasants don’t fly as well and the dogs actually just pick them up off the ground while they are running trying to get momentum to take flight. I always thought it was because the birds were molting, but a quick Google search says they don’t molt in the spring. Who knows? If you do know, please leave a comment.

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