PizzaGate & The Illuminati Pedophiles of Hollywood

4 years ago

2nd Upload Attempt of Pedophiles being exposed for the #PizzaGate scandal of Hilary Clintons emails that were hacked and sent to Wikileaks! Share this video & spread awareness of what is really going on with these evil globalist pedophiles & within the hollywood community of demonic evil! We must save the children from people like Hilary & Bill Clinton & The Jeffrey Epstein’s of the world!

#PedoParty #PizzaParty #Clinton #Obama #Epstein #PodestaEmails #SaveTheChildren #WikiLeaks #ClintonEmails #Censorship #Adrenochrome #ChildAbuse #Hollywood #Demonic #DevilWorshipers #Satan #MAGA #Trump2020 #Plandemic #ElectionFraud

Rumble removed this video that I uploaded a few days ago! It appears that maybe they are already being taken over by the far left & just pretending to promote free speech? We will see if they remove this video as well! If they do, it’s bitchute from now on & make sure we expose Rumble for just being another tool of the left tech oligarchs consolidating power to reach its censorship ability claws deep into the right wing of America & then drop the hammer when we least expect it & leaving us scrambling again to find a platform that allows us to have a voice & speak the truth!

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