Editorial Mon 15th Feb

4 years ago

Former Senator Natasha Stott-Despoja had understood Machiavelli and knew a concept encapsulated by the Prince which many were getting wrong in the late 1990’s. So applying all her mental powers, she went on radio and told people how to get it right. Machiavelli, she declared, was pronounced ‘Match-i-ah-velli.’ The senator despaired at people misrepresenting the Prince. After all, Hitler had had the book on his bed side table for inspiration and late-night reading. He had needed to improve his mind. There are many examples, provided by Charles and Andrew to name two, of Princes who fail the bedside table test.

It was with delight I happened on Delderfield’s story of a horseman, Paul Craddock, who purchased a farm.

Dr Maureen O’Keefe talking to 14 yo Ikey (Delderfield’s Horseman riding by)
“Ikey,” she said, “There’s a word you wouldn’t have heard yet that just about describes you so remember it and you can recognise yourself later on! You’re Machiavellian! Remember that – Mack-i-ah-vellian”
“What does it mean?” he asked, and she said, gesticulating, “It’s having an instinctive understanding of people and how their minds work and it’s a priceless quality to possess, particularly if you are ever thinking of going into business.”
“I’ll not do that,” he said, scornfully, “I’m going to join the cavalry!”
“Ah,” she said, “Then I’m afraid it won’t be of much use to you. Still, it’s nice to have and I daresay it’ll help you get along with the ladies!”

The former senator never really explained her clarification. She is a left wing loony and the press would never have dared ask it. But, what was it her clarification addressed? Was the senator addressing a mid 90’s man drought after too many eligible bachelors had bought into a hipster form of feminism? Had she approved of Hitler’s late night reading? We could ask her, but we may never know.

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