77 Moebius Strip

4 years ago


If a minute were an hour,
Would you spend your last hour with me?
If an hour would a minute,
Could we make it last till eternity?

If a penny were a dollar,
Would you spend your last dollar on me?
If a dollar were a penny,
Should we put it in a bank, in Memphis, Tennessee?


You can go and tell it to the highest mountain
You can go and tell it to the deepest sea
You can go and tell it to anyone who’ll listen
And if no one will listen, if no one will listen, you can tell it to me

If a river were an ocean,
Would we sail, together, over seven seas?
If an ocean were a river,
Could we wade in water up to your knees?


Why don’t you meet me at the station,
Southeast corner, Lexington and 59?
We can take the 6 train from salvation
To the end of the line

Copr. 2020 – Gene Schwimmer

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