Rising Sun (original song)

4 years ago


Give me a ship, a ship of solid timber,
A ship to sail upon a vast and open sea
A wind to fill my sails, a star to guide me
Give me all, all of these things and that is where I will be

Take me, Wind, wherever you would take me,
To places I have never been before
Who knows what treasures may lie, buried
Beneath the sands of some bright and distant shore?

Forward, ever forward, into the future
Seek – seek and you will find
Fix your eager gaze on the horizon
The past is past, so leave the past behind

Let not your past become an anchor,
Mooring you to things you have said and things you have done
Let your memories be a wind, pushing you forward,
Sailing into the dawn of an ever rising sun

Copr. 2021, Eugene Allan Schwimmer

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