The Power of Truth

3 years ago

During the pandemic the demand for counseling is so high that waiting lists are months long. As we all face these global challenges, common themes emerge from therapy sessions each week. Perhaps by sharing these emerging concerns and how they are addressed in sessions, people can work through similar issues. This is not therapy but it may provide enough insight to unlock hope.

Jennifer, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, has noticed her clients struggling to face oppressive authority figures. These individuals appear to fear the responses of others or and even their own anger. Sometimes they put up with unkindness and abuse with no sense of how to speak up without lashing out. Anger has the vital purpose of alerting us when something is not working or a boundary has been crossed. If we lose track of our anger, or other emotions, we lose the ability to be honest with ourselves and others. This ability to be honest with ourselves and others is generally known as authenticity.

This therapist weaves in scripture as it relates to authority and community. She notes the ideas in Ephesians 4 where Christians are encouraged to speak the truth in love. Speaking truth in community is essential for the Body of Christ to grow in maturity. As each person operates in the gifts God has given them, love guides the boundaries of honesty in our relationships. When a community provides space for difficult truth telling, issues like narcissism and heavy handed authority can be addressed. Suppressing the ability of those in the body to speak truthfully, undermines God’s intent in community. Alternatively, Godly authority works to empower others, especially those without a voice.

It is a challenging interpersonal dynamic to decipher appropriate boundaries between an authoritarian and someone who wants to please or keep the peace. It can also be challenging for a strong authentic personality to be under the authority of a people pleaser who trades honesty for the appearance of peace. Bravery and humility must work together to overcome the standoff created by these interpersonal dynamics.

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