This is the Fake Joe Bidan ( Clips from one MSM)

3 years ago

Look closely and examine carefully.
Those who just watch and and let themselves be DECEIVED on what their eyes can see are fool. Those who deny the truth and facts that everything we see now from the tv/ media are either CGI, Deep fakes, or even BODY DOUBLES. depending on which scenario he requires to do or go, are fool. This is not a Conspiracy. This is the reality.
I'll leave it up to you if you believe nor not.
Anyway, sooner, everything will be over. But we're not sure yet when this ridiculous things will be over.
There is one thing that the whole world and all of us knew and know, that the November 3 election was totally RIGGED. The Deep States have tried their best to steal the election, as well as conspiring with some foreign countries.

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