Why Central Banks Want to Launch Digital Currencies

4 years ago

This is probably THE most important video regarding blockchain. Because of this, I am going to dissect it, point by point, so that you can understand its significance. By engaging with these principles, our HF group will be the strongest in the world.
1. 2:04 The highly inflated central bank financial system is on its last legs, pumping out money like never before. History notes that EVERY central money system (i.e. Roman Empire) has failed.
2. 2:19 Central banks are worried that decentralized blockchain will derail their CONTROL over the "financial" system.
3. 2:23 Central bank propaganda to instill fear that cryptos do not have legal or regulatory safeguards (i.e. central control).
4. 2:30 "So why not [keep everyone safe/under control] issue a crypto currency of their own."
5. 2:40 Now comes the brainwashing. Crypto has "some" useful features but Central bank digitals will be the Saviors. This is exactly Luciferian doctrine. "I will save everyone. Just give me Your glory."
6. 6:28 Christine Lagarde, former head of the IMF which has put most of the third world countries in debt and servitude, is a centralist banker of the highest degree. Facts are that central banking is the biggest culprit of money laundering and terrorist funding in the entire world, NOT blockchain [UBS Swiss Bank, for example].
7. 8:27 What he is saying is that people would have control over their money and this would upset the ability of central banking to run their 10x leveraging scheme.
8. 8:50 "Tools to keep the value of the currency." What tools? Simply put, tools to manipulate the currency, i.e. interest rate manipulation to control the currency for the benefit of the centralized system, i.e. "TRUST."
CONCLUSION: Absolutely NOTHING was said regarding inflating the currency, whether it be bank notes or crypto. One of the beauties of decentralized money is that there is NO need for middlemen, like banks, and that the crypto has a limited supply, therefore it cannot be inflated, and devalued. Central bank currency, no matter if notes or digital, will be centralized (not decentralized). That is the ONLY way these systems can maintain control. As Mayer Amschel Rothschild [centralist bank founder] is quoted: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."

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