Ask Seek Knock - Matthew 7:7-11

4 years ago

Jesus said, “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, it will be opened" (Mat. 7:7-8).

The one who created the galaxies made these promises. They are not only
precious; they are also sure. But they assume two things:
(1) that the person who asks, seeks, and knocks does so in the right way, and
(2) that the person who asks, seeks, and knocks does so at the right time.

Watch as we continue to read through the book of Matthew, and pastor John Clark explains the RIGHT WAY and THE RIGHT TIME to ask, seek, and knock.

If we ask God, will we be pleased with the answer? If we seek God, will we like what we find? If we knock, and God opens a door, will we have the faith to walk through it? Remember this, dear friend, faith believes God! Pray to receive the answer when God gives it.

Additional scriptures referenced in this video:

James 4:3
James 1:6
Luke 18:5-8
John 15:16
Romans 8:26​-27
Jude 1:20
Jeremiah 42:1-22
Jeremiah 43:1-7
Luke 12:32
Romans 10:31​-39

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