Mass Effect Andromeda v1.10 Gameplay - Elaaden Vault and Outpost [PC 1080p HD]

3 years ago

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A moistureless, sweltering landscape covered by a large number of cover-subsistence sinkholes, Elaaden still supports life to a limited degree. The fledgling krogan colony of New Tuchanka is here, along with what appear to be abandoned mining facilities, scattered outposts and camps.

Temperature range is 52C to 99C. Exposure to direct sunlight is not recommended.

The activated Remnant vault has increased the presence of cloud-forming particulates in Elaaden's sky. Though the moon is still brutally hot, moisture levels have noticeably risen, increasing ambient humidity and the likelihood of rain. The Nexus scientists advise that the inhabitants of Elaaden, once starved for water, should prepare for flash floods.

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