[MEQ #55: 6 April 2020] The SHEEP, SHEEPDOG, WOLF game 🐑🐕🐺 (thematic summary) 🆕 Majestic 12

3 years ago

Channel video #55 [Originally published on YouTube 6 April 2020]

0:00 Introduction and key tweets
2:02 Majestic 12 on sheepdog(s)
5:28 Majestic 12 on wolf/wolves
7:42 Majestic 12 on sheep
23:06 CCC (Casual Channel Chatter)

👉🏻 Majestic 12 on sheepdog(s) search: https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Ats_sci_majic12%20sheepdog&src=typed_query&f=live
👉🏻 Majestic 12 on wolf/wolves search: https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Ats_sci_majic12%20wolf&src=typed_query&f=live
👉🏻 Majestic 12 on sheep search: https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Ats_sci_majic12%20sheep&src=typed_query&f=live

This was the first video in this new series! It's about the 'old' tweets. My other series is about the 'new' tweets. So I will have these two series running parallel to each other on the channel. This video was supposed to be under 20 minutes, but I shot over that mark. I read out about 70 tweets in the video, which was alot - that takes up alot of the time. Hopefully it wasn't TOO long, but hey. I hope to make more videos about other different subjects in this series!

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