You Are Their Mother

3 years ago


Hello Brothers and Sisters and Youtube Family hope you guys are being blessed.
It has been a whirlwind of trials and much suffering since the girls arrived. It wasn’t what we expectant and we didn’t receive it well with a cheerful disposition. First, one of the girls found herself frustrated and emotional undone when her luggage didn’t arrive with her. The airlines told her they would deliver it the next morning however, two days had gone by and she was still getting the run around from the airlines and delivery company. She had a feeling that this would happen as she had even prayed for the Lord to protect her luggage because she knew she was attached to her things. However, we all know how Jesus works that is the very thing he will ask you to give up. I tried to encourage her to be patience and offer it to the Lord but it was hard as we had to go to Walmart the following day to buy a few essentials as we waiting for her luggage to arrive and it didn’t come until a week later.

Then one of the other girls was struggling with memories, and prophetic words she felt she had got from the Lord as a child, which was bringing much confusion. She had be warned by the Lord before coming through rhemas which he gave her. One said discern between good and bad spirits, test the spririt which she got twice and the second "a sheep without a shepherd is a vulnerable sheep". So upon her arriving I thought maybe she had put those visions and memories at the Lords feet and trusting my discernment. As I, Mother Clare and Father Ezekiel discerned she wasn’t hearing from the Lord. She would listen in the moment just to come back a few minutes later refuting or questioning my discernment and taking a lot of my time not considering the needs of the other two. who needed time with me as well.
Then two of the girls had an altercation over some butter, as the other one would sit quietly not saying much however, I knew something deep was going on in her as well. If I can be honest I was beyond frustrated, irritated and exhausted and this was all in two days guys. I kept thinking Lord how can endure for a week with these ladies, who honestly seemed more like children and more importantly have them come to help in Ghana. I was having too deal with the personalities, brokenness and neediness. As I kept telling the Lord I don’t think I can do this, this is not at all what I expected. I know guys that is so selfish of me, but I am just being honest with you. I was physically and emotionally exhausted so on the third day in the morning in prayer I went to blessed Mother tree to pray as I realized I had asked for this, I had prayed for this "Lord help me to love like you" and he had answered that request yet again giving me these girls. As I recognized that I didn’t know how to love like Christ as I thought I did. Here I was getting frustrated, impatient, irritated, and critical of others rather than being kind, gentle and baring with them patiently. It hit me that this was just as much of a test for them as it was for me. If I couldn’t love these girls where they were at than how would I be able to love the children.
A while ago, the Lord had put the question in my hear that understanding and love go hand in hand. Many times, we seek to be understood rather than understand. Especially dealing with wounded souls in our pride we can become presumptuous which almost always leads to judgment and impatience. We can't love something that we don’t understand. As I told the Lord please help to understand all three of them. I know their hurting in their own way and overwhelmed, unsure about all of this since so much had happened in three days. As i said, Lord I can’t love them unless I understand where they are coming from please help me to understand. As is sighed deeply so weary in worship before him the Lord answered my prayer

He gave me insight to the hiddenness of their soul. A grace I never had before, but realized has now been given to me for this call as the Lord reminded me again that I was indeed their Mother. You see, that prayer came from St. Faustina Divine Mercy Diary when she would pray for her spiritual directors for that grace so they may steer her spiritually according to the Lords will and know what is going on within her even when she wasn’t clear. So when I first came here I read that and began to pray that for Mother Clare and Father Ezekiel. It’s amazing how Mother Clare would give me wise council and know exactly what the Lord was doing with me when I bared my soul to her. She brought such clarity so many times as to what the Lord was asking of me. So when the Lord began to reveal their hearts to me I was flabbergasted as he gave me a vision and insight to each girl as I cried and cried and cried.
After repeating that prayer in my heart I saw the first soul sitting down in a chair on the mountain listening to worship and felt everything she was feeling, the disappointment, fear and lack of trust in the Lord and the hope of a promise she felt was gone. I then understood the heart of the second soul as I felt her fears, wounds of rejection, and the deep pain she has had to go through, and lastly the third soul who was sitting before the Lord in adoration, as she was heavily oppressed with spirits of confusion, beguiling spirits, here but feeling so lost and tormented interiorly. I cried and cried and cried as all of this came to me and I understood. I finally understood why they acted and reacted in certain ways and how they were all hurting in their own ways. Then Jesus began to speak to me
Jesus began,
My beloved little one, I am right here, I am right here indeed you are their Mother. I have seen the anguish of your soul and your suffering, but I tell you each of them have been suffering. You all are carrying crosses although they may not seem heavy to one another on your own it is much for you all to bare and I am giving graces to each of you right now. I know the enemy has hit you would thoughts and wounds of the past that has made fearful and even doubting what I am doing at the present moment with you four. Truly, when you become self -seeking you cease to love. It becomes all about you and all that you are feeling, but a Mother doesn’t think that way my little one. A mother carries the heart of her children which I now gave you grace to feel. They too are hurting, doubting, questions and anxious about what in store for them. They need your comfort, love and reassurance my beloved little one. I have given you insight to their hearts but you cannot hear as I can, you cannot see as I can. I want to speak to them to encourage them may I?

As I responded ,
Of course Lord

Jesus To the first soul,
My daughter, the first born. I have seen how you have waited for me amidst many temptations and many attacks even as a child that wanted to stop the destiny I had for you, but I am God and I am your dear spouse. Every desire that has bloomed in your heart I have put there. You will be a mother to many souls not just your children as I have great things in store for you. Don’t doubt my promises to you, I am the one who has kept you, I am the one who has hidden you for all this time because I knew the enemies plan for you. So every guy that has come and gone, every man who overlooked you was by my doing because I have a wonderful husband in store for you. You will not only have a blessed family, but a blessed marriage. Don’t discount the small beginnings for in your obedience lies my delight and when you delight yourself in me I give your heart’s desire which becomes my perfect desire for you. I have brought you here to detach you and remove you from your safety net that has been for so long source of security and encouragement, but I want to be your all in all. Your everything and source of everything. That you would find strong quite trust in me. Fully relying on my hand, my ability, my grace and providence to make a way for you. You will live to testify of my faithfulness. Trust me, there is much more to come

Jesus To the second soul,
My beloved daughter I know how you try so hard to love, try so hard to give, try so hard to smile, buts its okay not to be okay. I want to deal with the deep wounds of your heart. My beloved the reason you have been hurt so much is because you have my heart, you have always had my heart. Don’t doubt any longer, but the enemy of your souls has brought many souls to you to wound you, reject you, hurt you. I allowed all these things though they weren’t my perfect will, but I will and have used it for your good. I wanted you to know how I feel when I am rejected, how I feel when evil things are said about me, how I feel to be alone. When those who say they love me neglect me my bride, do you see how you have so resembled me? You carry much condemnation that I have not placed on you, but the devils have. I have forgiven you of everything, and I love you so tenderly. You are my little butterfly who’s wings will bring healing to so many. I want you to know you are free in me my little one. You are free, free from condemnation, free from the bondage of sin, free to be who I created you to be and free to love. Don’t close yourself like you have done in the past. No one here means ill will towards you, you are safe in me and safe here beloved. No one will hurt you and no they will not reject you, so there is no need for you to reject yourself for I have chosen you, accepted you and so have they. Nothing you do will change my mind my little one or theirs as well. This is your family, these are your sisters and she is your Mother. Frictions that will occur here the enemy will magnify and remind you of past hurts. Don’t allow it beloved, cast it down immediately these thoughts that come. You are my blanket of love I will use to cover many. Be free, little one be free.

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