Was Pence the Spy?!?, 3520

4 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.
According to a highly-placed Trump White House official, Peter Navarro, Director of President Trump’s Trade and Manufacturing Policy, the person most responsible for the Republicans in Congress for not forcefully objecting to the electoral vote counts from the six battleground states during the infamous Jan. 6th Joint Session of Congress was Vice President Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short.
According to Navarro, Short kept members of Congress from meeting with Pence in the critical final 10 days before the electors from the various states were officially counted.
But, according to Navarro, Pence was hardly blameless :
“ what he did that day , on the advice of Mark Short, was to cut an run from the president of the United States , an from the constitution, because you know what was going to happen on that day.”
Navarro made his comments on Steve bannon's radio program , called the war room with Steve bannon.
Then Navarro turned to a football analogy : “ it wasn't violence it was the Green Bay Packers sweep we were going to pull - 6 different States and pull those [states] out, and force under the constitution for those votes to be looked at and [either counted or thrown out.]
This would have thrown the entire Joint Session of Congress into an uproar as they would have had to debate the merits of the charges that these 6 battleground states ran unconstitutional elections.

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