America (USA) is (also) the Promised Land Leeland Jones

4 years ago

Thanks to Leeland Jones YT channel for this interesting video. Leeland describes the stones with Hebrew writings on them of the 10 commandments that were found in New Mexico! Oh my goodness. Wow. So maybe, many of the people in America come from the house of Joseph which would include his two sons, Ephraim, and Manasseh, and his younger brother, Benjamin, also born of Rachel, as Joseph was. The rest of the house of Jacob (Israel) went out of Egypt and into the "the promised land" to escape the Egyptians. After this, where did they go? It is a mystery in terms of the narrative of the story because we do not really know where they all went to escape Pharaoh and his armies that went after them, do we? What a discovery it would be to find such an artifact from the lost history of the USA. The Lord shall restore everything that was lost, especially for the house of Judah, the house of Israel, and the house of Joseph. Most importantly, He will redeem His people and bring them back to His side to forever be with Him in His kingdom.

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

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