Dr. Pierre Kory— MATH+ Early Intervention Covid 19 Protocol Saves Lives

4 years ago

Listen to our Dr. Kory. This is more of his testimony at the U.S. Committee of Homeland Security and Government Affairs last week. The takeaways:

1. This is a 2-phase disease: The Viral Phase —where outpatients could receive Remdesivir or hydrochloroquine, which might be of help); and the Hyper-inflammatory phase, where patients could avoid the ICU and mechanical ventilation if more hospitals would employ the MATH+ protocol.

2.The MATH+ Early Intervention Protocol can also CHANGE THE WORLD ECONOMY. That's because MATH+ will give the entire world the reassurance it needs to know that THERE IS A POWERFUL, GLOBALLY AVAILABLE TREATMENT FOR THE HYPER-INFLAMMATORY PHASE OF COVID19; and that people who progress to this phase of Covid19 have NOT been given a death sentence. Rather, at the first sign of shortness of breath, going to the ER and starting MATH+ right there IN THE ER will save their lives. The drugs used in the protocol have very high safety profiles, are off-patent, inexpensive and globally available.

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