Emily and Jackie: Our Most Important Message YET!

4 years ago

Hi All,

Please click the + to like the show and share this show with ALL of your friends and family.

If you have or are going to get the COVID "Vaccine" .... you are getting an experiment, not a vax..... it is not a vaccine. You are signing or have signed yourself up for an experiment.

Yesterday, we were so lucky to be invited to meet and hear Dr. Richard Fleming speak about his COVID research and his vax, I we mean, experimental shots. Please listen to what he told us. Please wait, please see what happens if states begin to stop giving the vaccine...... other countries have, and why? We will tell you.

We are basically sharing the Cliff's note version of this incredible presentation.

Dr. Fleming's website: https://www.flemingmethod.com

Also, Emily and I go to restaurants and live our life, we are just explaining that some people have put their lives on hold...... because of the anticipation of this experiment.

Be safe!

Jackie and Emily

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